
  • 发布:2024-05-17 13:06

[最佳答案] 1.Fire safety is everyone's responsibility 2.Minors prohibited from entering


未成年人禁止入内英文未成年人禁止入内翻译未年人禁止内入在线女朋友说想吃火腿肠:推荐:一场完美冒险!1base.apk1.1安装下载!更新引热议!上线了多种新下载! [最佳答案] 1.Fire safety is everyone's responsibility 2.Minors prohibited from entering

[最佳答案] 1.Fire safety is everyone's responsibility 2.Minors prohibited from entering

[最佳答案] 未成年人禁止入内 Minors forbid entering


[ zui jia da an ] wei cheng nian ren jin zhi ru nei M i n o r s f o r b i d e n t e r i n g

[最佳答案] Nobody is to walk into this area. 禁止入内。No entry for vehicle! 禁止车辆入内!Persons under twenty-one are not allowed inside. 二十一岁以下禁止入内。This area is out of bounds to soldiers. 这一地区禁止士兵入内。This bar is off limits to all soldiers. 这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。This area is out of bou


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[最佳答案] Nobody is to walk into this area.禁止入内。No entry for vehicle!禁止车辆入内!Persons under twenty-one are not allowed inside.二十一岁以下禁止入内。This area is out of bounds to soldiers.这一地区禁止士兵入内。This bar is off limits to all soldiers.这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。This area is out of bounds t

1.未满18岁者 /未成年者禁止观看 /禁止入内Adult only.(No minors.)这个,中文说的太啰嗦,英语相对来说比较简单禁止入内Do not enter.minor指未成年者2.禁止携带宠物入内 No p

[最佳答案] no teenager具体到句子是No teenager will be allowed into web coffee

未成年人禁止入内 No entry for m inors 望采纳 !!!!

禁止入内是什么意思_禁止入内用英语怎么说_禁止入内的翻译_禁止入内翻译成_禁止入 未成年人禁止入内绝对是我们的地方. 电影对白 The river is out of Bounds because of s

禁止入内的英文怎么写 禁止入内的英文怎么写 2022-08-12 13:12投诉举报 匿名用户20 未成年人禁止入内 Minors forbid entering 5个回答2023-10-24 11:11 入り込むべからず



